Cori: A Daughter of Private Love
Cori took her time about being born, like she didn't want to enter the world when we wanted her to do so. When I held Cori, she was a compact, sturdy baby and mostly content. She clung to her mother as to be shielded from the world around her. Cori, a happy energetic child,
always seemed to be able to entertain herself by riding her tricycle around and round the inside of the house. I so loved it when Cori would dance for us. At some point she just stopped. Maybe because when the twins were born, taking over all her mothers time and much of her affection. She was greatly put off and hurt. But she braved her disappointment helping out with the babies. I was hoping she would come to me more, but she didn't. She learned something at this point in her short life. She learned to hold her love inside, and show it cautiously. MORE TO COME.
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